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25 Fun Ways to Fundraise

Thank you for visiting our fundraising ideas page!


In honour of our 25 years of play, we have created 25 ways for you to fundraise, some of which centre around the number 25! We hope you’ll find something fun and easy to get involved in, either on your own, or with family, friends, or colleagues.


Don’t stay quiet about your efforts - feel free to post online and tag us with:


Facebook and Twitter: @PlayMidlothian                            




If you prefer to drop off cash, please call the Play Midlothian office on 07792 402316 or email us.


Raise £25 in 25 days (you could donate personally, or ask others to sponsor you). 


1. Walk 25 miles in 25 days and donate £1 per mile

2. Walk 25 minutes for 25 days and donate £1 per day

3. Run an hour a day for 25 days (this is definitely one to ask others to sponsor you for!)

4. Give up something you love for 25 days and donate £1 per day (coffee, fizzy drinks, chocolate, sweets…)

5. Set aside £1 a day from your loose change for 25 days




6. Sell your favourite recipe to family, friends or colleagues for a donation

7. Sell unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, jewellery etc and donate the proceeds (you can let everyone know what you have to sell via social media)

8. Sell any unwanted books, DVD’s, CD’s, and games on Ziffit ( and donate the amount you receive

9. Have a bake sale

10. Host a coffee morning

11. Hold an online quiz

12. Host a games night

13. Walk a dog - offer to walk a friend’s dog in exchange for a donation

14. Have a 25-hour sponsored silence!

15. Sponsored outfit – let someone else choose what you wear for the day, but they sponsor you for the privilege of doing so

16. Offer to gift wrap your friends’ and family’s Christmas presents in exchange for a donation


For children


17. Do 25 star jumps (or exercise of choice) every day for 25 days and have someone sponsor you £1 per day

18. Do chores around the house and ask family to sponsor you

19. Car wash (if you can brave the cold!)

20. Litter picking

21. Acts of kindness – see if any friends or neighbours need help with anything, and ask if they would be willing to donate in return


Want something really easy which requires little set up, no chores and no exercise?! 


22. Donate your last hour’s pay of 2021

23. Donate the spare change in your pocket at the end of the day for 25 days

24. Donate an amount of your choice

25. Consider becoming a monthly donor


Finally, can you ‘find a tin a home’? Play Midlothian is always looking for places to host donation tins. If you know somewhere, ideally with a high footfall of cash payments, do let us know.


Thank you for your support!


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